Introducing eBear 1

How Do I Love You?   Let Me Count the Ways

In the Lessons of Life we are taught the first one is to  LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  How is that done?                

I LOVE YOU when   SMILE and give you one of mine for free or pass along one that’s been given to me.

I LOVE YOU when I ACCEPT that we may be different–that’s okay–       each of us is special that way.

I LOVE YOU when I RESPECT what you think and believe about life and God and blessing we receive.               

I LOVE YOU when I LISTEN to what you have to say with ears wide open and mouth shut tight  and when I FORGIVE and FORGET if you’ve done something not right.

I LOVE YOU when I SHARE whatever I have with you–that multiplies the joy by two.

I LOVE YOU when I give you a HUG  or HOLD YOUR HAND to let you know I understand.

I LOVE YOU when I PRAY that angels watch over you night and day and keep you safe along the way.

And when I TELL YOU, the words are true  I LOVE YOU!  I LOVE YOU!!                                               














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