Monthly Archives: April 2019

Earlier this week I hosted a book club discussion of   The Day the World Came to Town, 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland  by Jim Defede., an inspiring true story that spotlights  kindness in a world fraught with division, terrorism and hate.  A few weeks ago I saw Come From Away, the […]

Opportunity for Kindness

On Monday, the day after Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian calendar, marking Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, flames engulfed the Cathedral of Notre Dame and shot into the air.  The spire fell. The structure was collapsing before our eyes.  Embers and ash rained down from […]

The Message of Notre Dame de Paris

The current interest in ancestry is all the rage–people looking for their roots.  I was blessed to have grown up with all four grandparents, several aunts and uncles and many, many cousins all living in close proximity. My BelovED was not so fortunate, but there were threads we were able […]

Edmond and Julia