Love Grows On 2

When one door of happiness closes,another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened to us.  Helen Keller

Je t’aime was written as a tribute to my parents and the very special relationship they shared.  Their love and the qualities they passed down were the foundation of my upbringing. Their faith, perseverance, generosity, integrity and joy in life gave me the strength to meet challenges that came my way. Their lives ended, but THEIR LOVE grows on.

In the darkest hours of my recent illness, I thought I was receiving a call to join MY belovED, and although it was a hell of a way to issue an invitation, in my desperation, I would have welcomed doing so. I was mistaken; it was not my time.   With the care and treatments I received I now feel renewed and  was given the gift of time to complete Tears of My Heart.  Although I miss Ed terribly, OUR LOVE grows on.

I have learned to appreciate the simple things of life that I had previously taken for granted and to cherish each day for whatever it brings.  Despite the weather, there are more instances of sunshine than clouds.  I thank God for the opportunity to have this time to experience and enjoy all the lovely things that are going on.

This weekend I will attend a shower for the baby boy expected by my nephew Tom and his wife Jennifer in October. It’s a time of joyous anticipation preparing for the new arrival; so exciting to shop for baby clothes and equipment; to see how much has changed since I had my children; and to remember all the trials and tribulations, but mostly the thrills and triumphs, of parenting.  We all look forward to welcoming this new life into the circle as FAMILY  LOVE grows On.

Taking advantage of being back in northern New Jersey, I will also meet a cousin from my father’s side of the family who contacted me after reading my book.  I was not previously aware of our relationship.  Growing up we lived about forty miles apart and lost touch as we all went our separate ways.  I am revisiting the family tree and look forward to reconnecting with that branch.  REKINDLED LOVE grows on.

My niece Lindsay (brother Bob’s daughter) announced her wedding date of October 24, 2020.  The next fifteen months will be a flurry of plans, parties and preparations:  the venue, the dress, color scheme, theme? (I understand that’s a thing now), and all the trimmings.  Lindsay and her fiancé Michael will start a new branch of the family tree.  NEW LOVE grows on.

I am looking forward to all of these happy events and thank God for the blessing of family and the joy that is generated and passed down through the generations as LOVE grows on and on and on……

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2 thoughts on “Love Grows On

  • Jean Ann Strillacci

    Loved this! You are so lucky to have nieces and nephews to continue and relive all the wonderful events in life! Let’s hope we can continue the love through our grandchildren and enjoy their life events, too. See you Saturday!

  • Luanne Kimmel

    So sorry you have been ill, but am glad to hear that you are back in “ the swing” and writing again. I would love to get a copy of your new book.